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Psychopaths are usually fairly emotionally vacant and live for the moment, which explains why V never cared before about who she worked for and why she was killing people- she just lived for the kills. The understanding of a betrayal by her father figure, and the manipulation by higher powers would have been highly unnerving for her; but I think Eve's rejection was the straw that broke the camels back. Villanelle wanted/expected Eve to run away with her, she believed they were the same. Her subsequent abandonment ruptured this belief. I genuinely think this must be the first time Villanelle has ever had to acknowledge, in some form, the trauma that has permeated her entire existence. Based on what we know and what's in the books, Villanelle has essentially spent most of her life having her mental disorder weaponised for someone else's agenda, at her expense of course (see: 'I feel nothing' speech 2:6) Regardless of how she sees it or justifies it, that is the truth. She must know this in the back of her mind or she wouldn't be trying to rebel against it.

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Adaptée par la suite au cinéma (en 2001 pour le premier film, Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers), la saga Harry Potter est devenue culte. Ce sont les jeunes acteurs Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint et Emma Watson qui ont été choisis pour donner vie sur grand écran au trio stars (Harry, Ron et Hermione) de ces livres. Découvrez leur transformation physique au gré des années et des huit films dans notre diaporama vidéo! >>> Harry Potter: Gryffondor? Serpentard? A quelle maison de Poudlard appartenez-vous? (TEST) Ils avaient à peine 10 ans lorsqu'ils ont incarné pour la première fois sur grand écran les jeunes sorciers intrépides. Depuis, Emma Watson a troqué ses bouclettes blondes et sa robe d'écolière pour celles de créateurs. Belle et intelligente, comme son personnage d'Hermione, l'actrice désormais âgée de 30 ans est diplômée de l'Université de Brown et illumine les tapis rouges du monde entier. ⋙ Harry Potter alerte! Emma Watson, Tom Felton et Matthew Lewis réunis sur une photo qui ravit les fans (PHOTO) Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint...

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