Dvd Velvet Saison 4

The God Emperor

And we also have learned we must lead an international coalition against bigoted religious fanatics … who believe they have the right to kill innocent people in order to impose their reactionary ideology on others. " To our frumpy senator and his open friendships with known friends of terrorist sympathizers today. How do you reconcile McCain's sentiments with those of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), who recently discussed the attacks of 9/11 by coyly stating, "Some people did some things. " Where did America go? During the attacks, the now bag-packing National Security Advisor John Bolton reminisced about his experience on 9/11. He was at the State Department across the Potomac facing the iconic Pentagon building's western side when American Airlines Flight 77 hit. Whether or not one is a fan of the man, his words today should be heeded: "After 9/11, proliferation and terrorism were not problems to be managed. They were mortal threats to be stopped. They still are. " ----------------------------------------------------- The corrupt establishment will do anything to suppress sites like the Burning Platform from revealing the truth.

Warriors of the god emperor

Warhammer god emperor

Hardy says, "We've sent more black boys to college than any high school in Pennsylvania. " But people who work in government monopolies don't like experiments that show there's a better way to do things. Philadelphia and other cities are rejecting new charter applications. Philadelphia rejected Hardy's plan to open a Girls' Latin. "They realize that if we continue to take children away, they won't have jobs, " says Hardy. Instead of approving more charters, the education establishment just says, "Give us more money. " But get this: Philadelphia schools already spend $18, 400 per child, about half a million dollars per classroom. With that money, they could hire five experienced teachers for every class. But they don't. So, where does all that money go? Bureaucracy, says Hardy. "They have a director of special ed and assistant director of special ed… director of high school athletics and an assistant… lot of overhead. " The establishment's new attack on charter competition is: Charters drain resources from public schools.

The great god emperor of the city

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  • Where the Jokes Write Themselves – The Burning Platform

9/11 After 18 Years – The Burning Platform

The god emperor of mankind quotes

Guest Post by Eric Peters One thing you can still do yourself is wash your car. And just as you used to be able to save a lot of money by working on your car, it's possible to save money – and more than you might think – by cleaning your car yourself. It typically costs about $12 to run through a basic automated car wash; if you opt for the wheel/tire cleaner and a spritz of wax – which isn't worth much – the tab can sail to $20 or more. That's a couple hundred bucks a year – assuming you like to keep your car clean. Which you should, for self-interested reasons (more coming). You can keep your car clean yourself – better – a dozen times for the price of one full-service car wash. A jug of high-quality car wash soap, some wheel/tire cleaner (and a brush, to scrub the tires) shouldn't cost you more than about $20 – less if you watch for sales. You probably already have a bucket and a soft cloth, such as an old bathroom hand towel you can use for free. Keeping your car looking good will also help keep its value looking good – which will save you big money by not losing it.

Via ZeroHedge While there was some feverish speculation as to what an impromptu presser at 1:30pm with US Secretary of State Pompeo, Treasury Secretary Mnuchin and National Security Adviser Bolton would deliver, that was quickly swept aside moments later when Trump unexpectedly announced that he had fired Bolton as National Security Advisor, tweeting that he informed John Bolton "last night that his services are no longer needed at the White House" after " disagreeing strongly with many of his suggestions. " …. I asked John for his resignation, which was given to me this morning. I thank John very much for his service. I will be naming a new National Security Advisor next week. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 10, 2019 According to sources, while Trump had been growing displeased with Bolton's belligerent recommendations, the tipping point happened when Bolton expressed his displeasure with Trump's impromptu invitation of the Taliban to Camp David, a peace overture which as we reported over the weekend, collapsed in the last moment.

Sun, 27 Dec 2020 13:42:31 +0000